Sunday 5 June 2011

Midweek visit to Toronto Botanical Gardens - June 1st 2011

After a mid-week dinner over at Daver's place, we made a quick visit to the Toronto Botanical Gardens to see what was in bloom on June 1st.  The whole garden was a mass of colour, and the rhodendrons and azaleas were particularly noteworthy.  There was also a phenomenal display of alliums....I have a few in my yard, but I've decided now that I need to boost the size of the population!  They would be great for filling that gap between the end of the spring display and the wait for the real summer blooms to start.  Must start writing a shopping list for items to be purchased in the fall!

Here's a slideshow to capture what we enjoyed at the Toronto Botanical Garden:


  1. Hello:
    These Botanical Gardens really do look rather splendid. We assume that the soil is fairly acidic to be able to grow such ericaceous plants.

  2. Southern Ontario is full of limestone, but the rhodedendrons and azaleas are all planted in a steep ravine, and so I suspect they may have brought the soil in from elsewhere. Nonetheless, the plants seem to be thriving, and the garden has such a diversity of planting that there is always something interesting to see.
