Summer's lease hath all to short a date......never a truer word was said as far as I'm concerned this year. Things continue to be frantically busy, and with our ongoing rounds of record breaking heatwaves, the garden is progressing through it's seasonal evolution at an accelerated rate! Not ideal that I'm having to leave it in a state of relative neglect, and made all the more anxiety-inducing by the fact that I've been nominated for the "Great Gardens Contest". I won a first prize in this competition in 2010 for Ward 6 in the "alternative" category, which basically covers any garden style that does not include an extensive area of lawn. I never did find out who nominated me, and this time around, I'm equally unaware, and very flattered and excited that someone took the time to fill in a nomination form.
We're in the height of Lily season now, and the garden is absolutely filled with scent on the warm, humid evenings we've been having. The lilies were actually bought as potted specimens 2 years ago, as an instant solution to some unsightly bare spots that I needed to fill for the last competition. They have gone on to become truly handsome, exuberant clumps since then, despite ongoing battles with Japanese Lily Beetle (in which to date, I have been victorious!).
Here's a snapshot of what is going right now.....let me know if you think I'm in with a chance for a prize this year!!
These lilies are the most fragrant, and luckily are right by the front door to the house. Coral carpet roses are growing through them as a compliment. |
This Ruby Tuesday helenium is a new addition, and just coming into bloom now. I LOVE it! |
The phlox look amazing this year - the "chelsea chop" definitely seems to have improved them, and no mildew as yet! |
My first Canna bloom is out.....looks like a little flame, which is appropriate given recent furnace-like temperatures! |
the roses are having a rest after their very strong first flush of flowers. New buds are starting to swell. |
This clematis, Gravetye Beauty, has taken hold after being moved last year, and is doing a nice job of covering an unsightly municipal guy wire on my plot. |
Perovskias are coming out now, and in the background, you can see the intense dark red blooms of Arabian Dahlias, which I started in the spring. These are another highlight! |
These towering yellow lilies look just wonderful now they are in bloom, but I have also been enjoying their statuesque form over the last couple of weeks. Unfortunately, this particular variety seems to be a magnet in my garden for Japanese Lily Beetles. So far, I have been able to control things by diligently removing the larvae as soon as I see them emerging. |
The window boxes have filled out, and are looking quite nice now. |
Sunshine impatiens are one of the few annuals in my garden, since most annuals are easy fodder for the horrendously large slug and snail population in my lakeside garden. |
Double Delight roses are already reblooming. |
On a more practical note, I have moved my vermicomposting activities outside for the rest of the summer. Up until now, they've been munching through my kitchen waste in the basement, but with summer heat, the multiplying fruit fly population has become unbearable. I've buried an old recycle blue bin in the ground, and transferred the worms outside. An upturned old wire basket from an old freezer should hopefully keep the raccoons out. |
The hot and humid weather we've been having over several weeks seems to be suiting my figs admirably. I hope that they all develop into lovely, tasty figs, since I've only managed to harvest one fig to date (on a tree that I've had for 3 years), and it was so absolutely delicious, that I desperately want a repeat performance! |